Welcome to Feeding the Foothills (formerly Placer Food Bank) food donation community. In the past, many of you have donated non-perishable food items through local food drives. Since the pandemic, we stopped all community food drives to ensure the safe storage, handling, and distribution of all food items.

Now, with the ability to donate food online by making a secure financial donation, you may continue to support our never-ending efforts to get food to our neighbors in need. You can donate from selections of non-perishable food boxes, fresh (perishable) produce bags, and perishable food boxes.

We truly cannot do what we do without YOU. With your gift today, you can be the reason a parent can feed their children or a help a Senior forgo a meal because they must choose between paying for food or paying a medical bill.

Your tax-deductible donation will help local families, seniors, and children. Take a moment and:

  • Click below on the "Select Food to Donate" button below.
  • Shop the product list
  • Determine the quantity and donation amount you want to give
  • Click on Add to Cart
  • Checkout
  • Fill out your information and click complete donation.

If you are interested in registering for a food drive, click the "Register Your Food Drive Team" and follow the instructions to customize your donation efforts.

Thank you for helping those in need of food assistance in our communities to have access to nutritious foods. To learn more about Feeding the Foothills and how we can solve hunger together, go to feedingthefoothills.org.